Tools For Life 

   Main Office  631-875-5350        Vivitrol Manager 516-982-6928


Tools For Life 



How To Make A Life Changing Decision 

From Addiction To Recovery    

Why I Believe in Vivitrol and use it in my practice. I have personally heard so many of my clients own personal addiction battle. Years and years in addiction. Sometimes half of their very lives, in just trying to get and stay clean from heroin / opiates. As well as alcohol. Unfortunatly years and years with ongoing failure and feeling as they are sinking deeper and deeper into hoplessness.

With the heroin epidemic as it is, there are multiple overdoses, lost lives and continual heart break.  

 Vivitrol is truly the tools that I have personally seen in given someone the ability to take their life back. Finally a true aide to recovery, that is NOT another addiction to replace the one at hand.  Such as suboxone, methadone and xanax is (just another addiction to replace addiction). 

Vivitrol is NOT a narcotic and it is NOT addictive .  

In short Vivitrol is a once a month injection,. That blocks the "Gabba" receptors.  With the Gabba recptor blocked, opiates &/or alcohol cannot adhere or stay in the bodily system.  With this, it not only stops the cravingings, but it stops the ongoing continual thought process. Which is truly giving one their freedom and life back ! 


If addiction is your life, or is in someone you love life,

just hoping things will get better, Does Not Work

It only continues the addiction.

Just wanting change, does Not create change.

That is what keeps addiction "Alive"

REAL CHANGE comes with a series of many steps.

Here are TFL's first 5 Core Teaching & Approach In Our:

 Ladder Of Recovery, Freedom & Success

1. Making a decision, with the Commitment to change. 

2. Taking Action: Take the actual steps in addiction recovery. Vivitrol therapy along with others therapies is Vital for preventing relapse.

3. Truly Being honest with yourself of where you are. 

4. Energy Healing, Energy Tapping & Self ~Love. Energy healing is vital for releasing, clearing, healing and removing all the shame, guilt, self-hate, unworthyness and all negative emotions that are deep within. This is vital for ones own authentic healing.


5. Taking Back Your Power. Which means you being accountable for 100% of your life & everything that has come  Definition of accountability is there is no blaming of anyone or anything, nor justifying any of your actions. growing and working on yourself. Life is a journey you want to enjoy the journey, that means always growing and working on you!

" The Past Is Not Who You Are,

 It Is What You Do With It That Is ”

In order for that to happen, you have to make a series of positive changes, which first are steps.

But remember Change always starts with the first step.

You Can Make The First Step Into Your New Life Today 

Offices & Appointments  631-875-5350

           Vivitrol Manager            516-982-6928